Frequently Used Terms
AREA – A geographical division within a state or province; there are seven areas in the state of California; each area is represented by an Area Delegate at the Conference in New York.
AREA ASSEMBLY – A periodic meeting of GSR’s, DCM’s, DCMC’s, Chairpersons of Standing Committees, Area Officers, Delegate and alternates to discuss AA affairs of the area. The Assembly is a basic unit of the General Service Structure and conducts or helps coordinate AA business for the Area.
DELEGATE – An AA member of the Assembly who is elected every other year to represent the Area at the annual General Service Conference in New York. SCAA elects it’s Delegates at the Fall Assembly meeting of the “even” year. The Delegate is responsible for reporting back to the Area on the Conference
DISTRICT – A geographical division within an Area. Currently in Southern California there are 37 Districts. A General Service Representative (GSR) represents groups within the district.
DCM – The District Committee Member is and experienced GSR elected by the GSR’s of the District to represent the groups of the District at Area committee meetings and Area Assemblies. DCM coordinates service activities in the District. The DCM votes in the election of the Area Delegate and officers.
DCMC (DISTRICT COMMITTEE MEMBER CHAIRPERSON) – A large District in a city or county may hold regular meetings led by a DCMC, who serves as the link between the district and the area. Within this large district, there are many district subdivisions as needed to adequately serve the groups. Each of these is called a local district and is served by a DCM who may hold regular meetings of GSR’s. The DCMC votes in the election of Area Delegate and officers.
GSR – The General Service Representative is an AA member selected by the group to voice the group’s opinion in discussion at the District and Area level. The GSR participates in the election of the District’s DCM and also elects the Area Delegate and officers of the Assembly.
GSO – General Service Office in New York often referred to as our “AA Headquarters”